Monday, February 18, 2008

Scores Day 2

Well, they are in. We had 30 more points today, while the computer car leaders did 17 points. No too bad and we lead the Class 3 handily, but have 51 or so total compared to the 19 and 23 and 27 of the lead cars.... aaaarrrgh. No ICE SLALOM kept us from gaining up to 10 points on them (big talk)...
The good news is that on the LAST LEG, we got a 3 and the 2 leaders (Car 1 and our team mates in car 2) got a 2 so we have figured out how to match their scores... And remember, they have some fancy computers and I have Kala. Hence we should be able to kick their ass.... Kala blushed and wants me to delete this part....

Pix are up on our MYSPACE PAGE: and see other links to hear reports from other teams.... Maybe more scores also at: at SOME POINT....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'd take Kala over the fancy computers. She can help drive (as evidenced in the photos) while the computers just spit out numbers!!

BTW, looking good, keep up the good numbers, and you'll do great!!